Welcome to the website of the GENERA Network!

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This year GENERA Network continues its series of lectures on Gender and Sciences and invites again top level researchers:
February 27, 2025: Annalisa Murgia (University of Milan)
Gender and Precarious Careers in Research
GENERA General Assembly 2024 at CERN
On September 25/26, 2024

Will be continued in 2025!!
In 2024 GENERA Network invited top level researchers for a series of lectures on Gender and Sciences:
April 3, 2024: Kathia Serrano-Velarde (Heidelberg University)
What do we learn when we compete? A qualitative study of postdoc careers
May 30, 2024: Johanna Stadmark (Lund University)
Career plans among PhD students – are there gendered differences?
June 11, 2024: Marieke van den Brink (Radboud University)
Gender equality and the Ethics of Care in Academia
June 27, 2024: Fiona McClement (Leeds University)
The only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture,
The new GENERA Network Management Team met at DESY in Hamburg!
April 29/30, 2024, the GENERA Network Management Team came together for an in person meeting at DESY to discuss the coming activities of the network. The Head of CERN's D&I Office, Louise Carvalho, joint the meeting to present the plans for the D&I event in September 2024 at CERN, which is part of the celebration of CERN's 70th anniversary and prepare this year's GENERA General Assembly at CERN.
Pictured, from left, are Thomas Berghöfer (Coordination Team, DESY), Tomas Brage (Chair, Lund University), Lisa Kamlade (Coordination Team, DESY), Louise Carvalho (CERN), Maria Rosaria Masullo (vice-Chair, INFN Naples).
Concorso “DONNE E RICERCA IN FISICA: tra stereotipi di genere e professioni del futuro”
In 2017 the Italian GENERA Network members CNR and INFN launched for the first time a school competition on women and research in physics in Italy. The award winning videos of the initial competition still can be watched on youtube.

This year the school competition is organzed for the fourth time.

Read more on this year's competition at

the Springer Nature website
the Italian GENERA Network website.
A new online course: Physics and Gender
To teachers and students at universities in EU/EES countries,
Why is it that physics, which is considered objective and not affected by who is doing the research, teaching, and learning, is so dominated by men among its practitioners?
Why do some groups of people select not to come to physics – or to leave the area?
Could the explanation be found in the culture of our labs and institutes? Or is it deeper – in the subject and how it is (re)presented? How do we make physics more welcoming for a larger part of the population?
Stockholm and Lund Universities (supported by NordForsk) are offering this online course, which is open to all interested students and personnel at universities in Europe (free of charge).

To learn more about the course and to apply, google the course code MNXB03 or go to https://canvas.education.lu.se/courses/20692

The deadline for application is February 5, 2023
The first workshop of the GENERA Career Development Working Group had its premiere!

On December 15, close to 20 PhD students attended the online event “Segregation, implicit bias & myths - threats to fair Physics careers”. The presentations and interactive sessions of the four trainers were very well received by the PhD students. Their questions and feedback have provided valuable input on how to further improve the format and performance of the workshop.
GENERA Network at the Big Science Business Forum 2022
October 4, 2022

Read more on the Women in Big Science Event 2022

Have a look at the award winning poster(s)
The GENERA poster submitted for the award of Women in Big Science Projects received the Recognition Award in ALL three categories:
1. Advances in Organisational Culture

2. Collaborative Partnerships

3. Societal Impact

GENERA Network conference

“Gender Dimension in Physics and Math-Intensive Research”

The conference videos are finally published in University Lund’s Youtube channel

Watch the videos here...
June 22/23, 2022
at Lund University lunduniversity.jpg
Further information:
International Women’s Day
March 8, 2022

Missed the webinar? Watch the recording ...
GENERA Network webinar
“Women in Physics - celebration day“
March 9, 2022, 14:00-16:00 (CET)

In honor of the International Women’s Day 2022 seven female physicists will speak about their experience as women in physics.
For more details and the zoom link to the webinar on March 9th please klick on the picture to the left.
In recognition of the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science 11 February”, GENERA Network members have gathered a range of quotes, citations and event links as we celebrate this special day. Check out the compilation by clicking on the image to the left and browse the links for more detail.
International Women’s Day
March 8, 2021 at GENERA Network online

February 11 marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science Checkout with your preferred web search engine what activities are happening on this planet to celebrate this date!
The GEECCO project produced four thematic videos on how gender effects our life:
Energy for all
Mobility for all
Humans & Computers
Robots in our society
“Physics Education and Gender - Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research” has been published by Springer Nature in 2020. This volume, edited by Allison J. Gonsalves and Anna T. Danielsson, engages with concepts of gender and identity as they are mobilized in research to understand the experiences of learners, teachers and practitioners of physics. The focus of this collection is on extending theoretical understandings of identity as a means to explore the construction of gender in physics education research. cover_physics_education_and_gender.jpg
“The Gender-Sensitive University: A Contradiction in Terms?” has been published in July 2020 by Routledge. Edited by Eileen Drew and Siobhán Canavan (Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership in Dublin) it is a collaboration with partners from the SAGE (Systemic Action for Gender Equality) Horizon 2020 project and other eminent academic researchers across the EU.
For more information please see
“Institutional Change for Gender Equality in Research - Lesson Learned from the Field” published by colleagues from the H2020 project EQUAL-IST has just come out. This volume also includes a summary article on GENERA project.
Helene Schiffbänker (Joanneum Research, Austria),
Granted project coordinator
On February 24th in Vienna more than 50 participants intensively discussed during the conference "IS IT A LOTTERY? IMPROVING GENDER FAIRNESS IN RESEARCH FUNDING" the pros and cons of replacing traditional peer review (partly) by lottery. First experiences made by funding organizations (e.g. Volkswagen Foundation) are rather promising and others plan to try out as well.
This conference was organized by the EU-funded project GRANteD.
Joanneum Research, who is coordinating this project is also member of GENERA Network.
The German Environmental Agency (UBA) published a report on “Interdependent gender aspects in Climate Politics”
”… The results show opportunities for improving gender equality at many levels. Principles for integrating gender equality into climate policy were derived, as were concrete policy recommendations on climate protection legislation and gender action plans. Important findings also arise for methods, data needs and data collection as well as research needs and regulations. Finally, recommendations are given on the financing and promotion as well as on the dissemination of knowledge and the strengthening of competence.” (from the english abstract on page 4)

International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Interesting links to activities related to the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, 2020:
What a creative 2019 for GENERA Network and Community of Practice!
We reached 30 (!) members and four friends by the end of this year. We welcome Joanneum Research from Austria as our new member, who is organizing a conference in February 2020 on fairness in research funding.
workinggroups.jpg GENERA changed gear into (community of) practice
and kicked-off five working groups
GENERA Network member Weizmann Institute in Israel organized the workshop Promoting gender equality in physics: Barriers and opportunities
October 26 - November 01, 2019
genera_ieee-manchester-2019.jpg Lisa Kamlade presented GENERA during the Women in Engineering (WIE) Luncheon at the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC)
The new managing team got elected
From left to right:
Thomas Berghöfer (DESY, coordination),
Meytal Eran Jona (Weizmann Institute, chair),
Francesca Primas (ESO, vice-chair),
Lia Lang (DESY, coordination)
genera_ga_meeting_2019_desy.jpg GENERA General Assembly met for its constitutional meeting
Sept. 18/19, 2019 at DESY in Hamburg

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