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Return to select 2nd level target Combating discrimination and sexual harassment

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Combating sexual and sex-based harassment

Potential activitiesExamples for measuresIndicators related to the activityIndicators related to the target = Indicators to measure changes
Guidelines / Code of conduct• Guidelines on dealing with sexual harassment
• Code of conduct
• Guidelines available (yes/no)
• Code of conduct available (yes/no)
• Code of conduct distributed to all staff (yes/no)
• Code of conduct made public
• Reported cases of sexual harassment
• Researchers who experienced any form of sexual harassment
• Researchers who experienced any form of sex-based harassment
Trainings• Awareness trainings
• Trainings how to prevent / deal with sexual harassment
• # trainings held
• # of people trained, by sex
Discussions• Talks and discussions to spread awareness on problems of harassment and how to deal with it• # events
• # participants, by sex
Appeal body• E.g. HR representative, Gender Equality
• Appeal body is established (yes/no)
Policies• Zero-Tolerance Sexual Harassment policies• Policies on sexual harassment exist


Potential activitiesExamples for measuresIndicators related to the activityIndicators related to the target = Indicators to measure changes
Policies• Policies of overall non-discrimination

• Policies on non-discrimination exist (yes/no)
• Reported cases of discrimination
• Researchers who experienced any form of sex- or gender-based discrimination
Equal participation• Gender-balanced organization of events• % of men and women in the organization team
Equal treatment and workload• Equal treatment of part-time work and promotion of work-life balance
• Fair and transparent workload balance across all areas (teaching, research, administration)
Equal resources• Equal access to resources (e.g. funding, lab space, equipment)
• Equal resources for male and female professors

LGBT+ Inclusivity (( Based on LGBT+ ))

Potential activitiesExamples for measuresIndicators related to the activityIndicators related to the target = Indicators to measure changes
Awareness and inclusive language• Use gender-neutral and inclusive language
• Encourage accurate pronoun use
• Allow name and gender changes on departmental records
Structures, Policies and Support• Appoint a diversity liaison or committee
• Consider LGBT+ persons when developing family-friendly policies
• Support transitioning individuals
Facilities• Create safe spaces within the department
• Provide non-gendered restrooms
Inclusive recruitment• Collect demographic information from job applicants and prospective students in an inclusive way
• Include non-discrimination statements in job announcements
Trainings• Diversity training sessions or workshops
Networking• Provide networking opportunities
• Host inclusive conferences

It is illegal to discriminate because of a person's sex, age, disability, ethnic or racial origin, religion, belief or sexual orientation. European laws on equal rights include equal treatment when applying for a job, equal treatment at work, protection of pregnant workers and breastfeeding mothers, and rights to maternity leave and parental leave. As this tool was designed specifically for gender equality, we focus here on sex- and gender-based discrimination.

The term “sexual harassment” in the headline refers to all unwanted conduct related to an individual's sex (sex-based harassment) as well as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature (sexual harassment in the narrower sense). Forms of harassment include telling derogatory or demeaning jokes about women in general, unwelcome physical touching, making sexual remarks to or about a person, telling jokes with a sexual content or displaying sexually explicit images on a computer screen.

"Here is a list of activities"Please click on the activities associated with your task and study the suggested measures and indicators.

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