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Return to select task  Find measures to improve on Gender equality in your institution
Return to select 1st level target Strengthen the gender dimension in research programmes
Return to select 2nd level target Inclusion of gender in teaching

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Inclusion of gender in teaching

Potential activitiesExamples for measures 1)Indicators related to the activityIndicators related to the target = Indicators to measure changes
Inclusion of gender studies in the curriculum 2)• Gender specific modules/subjects
• Cross-cutting gender into the rest of the modules/subjects in the degree (e.g. including gender- sensitive theories, methods, readings, questions, activities)
• Ensure the participation of gender experts in the committees/groups that design the curricula
• Set up a task force on gender mainstreaming in curricula
• Participation of gender experts in the curriculum design process (yes/no)• Inclusion of the gender dimension in teaching/curricula
• Courses with gender aspects in the headline of the course announcement in relation to all courses
• Courses with gender aspects in the announcement description in relation to all courses
• Gender specific subjects in Bachelor/Master Curricula by field of science
• Gender cross-cutting subjects in Bachelor/Master Curricula by field of science
• (Post) Graduates that had at least one Gender specific subject by field of science
Policies promoting the inclusion of gender issues in curricula • Policies promoting the inclusion of gender issues in curricula (yes/no)
Train and support personnel• Ensure support, ideally through an institute for Gender Studies at the University
• Provide training and awareness raising activities and dissemination materials for academics
• # of personnel trained
• % of personnel trained
• Support available (yes/no)
Awards for students• Reward scheme for students who include in their research the sex/gender analysis as a cross- cutting issue• # of students awarded

"Here is a list of activities"Please click on the activities associated with your task and study the suggested measures and indicators.

Measures based on GENDER-NET D3.11
An example for integrating the contents of women's and gender studies into degree courses can be found in the database developed by the Women's and Gender Research Network NRW: