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Return to select task  Find measures to improve on Gender equality in your institution
Return to select 1st level target Strengthen the gender dimension in research programmes
Return to select 2nd level target Inclusion of gender in research

Inclusion of gender in research

Potential activitiesExamples for measuresIndicators related to the activityIndicators related to the target = Indicators to measure changes
Online platforms• Online platform for gender in science• Online platform established
• # of visitors on the platform
• Percentage of research projects including gender analysis/gender dimensions in the content of research
• Percentage of staff/researchers who have received training on integration of gender analysis into research (IGAR)
• Inclusion of the gender dimension in research programmes
• Recruitment/Promotion criteria for academics includes scoring on IGAR expertise
Trainings• Trainings for research staff on gender issues and gender analysis methods• # of trainings
• # of participants, by sex
Policies• Policies fostering trainings on gender in research• Policies fostering trainings for research staff on gender issues and gender analysis (yes/no) [ERABASE- Indicators]
Dedicated budget for gender-related
projects and/or studies
• Programmes
• Calls
• Boni
• Dedicated budget for gender- related projects and/or studies (e.g. programmes, calls, boni) (yes/no) [ERABASE]
Spreading information on best practices• Informing employees about best practice examples (e.g. websites with best practice examples)• Information on best practice examples is available for employees (yes/no)
Research projects with specific gender equality actions• Potential gender equality actions: design and implementation of an equal opportunity policy; set targets to achieve a gender balance in the workforce; actions to improve work-life balance• # of projects with specific gender equality actions
• % of projects with specific gender equality actions
• Assessment of the gender action types as effective / non effective

"Here is a list of activities"Please click on the activities associated with your task and study the suggested measures and indicators.