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Return to select task  Find measures to improve on Gender equality in your institution
Return to select 1st level target Address gender imbalances in decision making processes
Return to select 2nd level target Gender equality in decision making bodies and positions

More women in decision making bodies

Potential activitiesExamples for measuresIndicators related to the activityIndicators related to the target = Indicators to measure changes
Positive action / quota• Quota for women in decision making bodies
• Compensate female professors for the increased workload due to participation in official bodies of the university
• Quota introduced (yes/no)
• Compensation available
• Men and women in leadership positions
• Composition of boards or committees
• Proportion of women on boards - members and leaders
• Share of women and men in decision-making bodies
Monitoring• Monitoring and reporting of the female proportion in all bodies• Regular monitoring and reporting in place (yes/no)
• Reports publicly available (yes/no)

"Here is a list of activities"Please click on the activities associated with your task and study the suggested measures and indicators.