Title: Regulars' table at KIT
Field(s) of Action: * Presence and Visibility
* Gender Dimension in Research and Education
Objectives:* Promotion of technical and natural scientific studies and careers
* Recruitment of female scientists
* Creating interest in science
Target Group(s): PhD students, PhD candidates and research assistants
Postdocs and mid-career scientific personnel
Description: One of the results of the Gender-in-Physics Day at the KIT was a “Stammtisch” (regulars' table), which has been already implemented by KIT. For this purpose, female physicists have joined forces and collected contact information of female scientists of their institutions and invited them to a “Stammtisch”. It offers a place for women in physics for discussions prior to the scientific career, informal exchange about problems and solutions and possibilities of networking.
More information:Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT (Germany)
Contact: Irene Eisemann