|**Title: **|**Parental leave with occupational activity - work time models**| |**Implementation**|{{wiki:3.png?nolink}}| |**Field(s) of Action:**|@#F5A9A9: * Structural Integration of Gender Equality| |::: |@#A9E2F3: * Gender-inclusive / Gender-sensitive Organisational Culture | |::: |@#A9F5D0: * Flexibility, Time and Work Life| |**Objective:**|Return to work after parental leave| |**Target Group(s): **|All target groups (except Pupils)\\ All employees with children| |**Description: **|This measure enables employees to have individual work time models adapted to their individual needs. It provides parental leave in combination with telework and part-time placements. \\ This is a way of participating in the work and research progress, although they cannot do their work fulltime.\\ After the announcement of the pregnancy there will be an individual counselling.| |**More information:**|Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (Germany)\\ [[http://www.gender-diversity-toolbox.de/|http://www.gender-diversity-toolbox.de/]]|