|**Title: **|**Sign up! Career building programme for female postdocs**| |**Implementation**|{{wiki:1.png?nolink}}| |**Field(s) of Action:**|@#A9BCF5: * Presence and Visibility** **| |**Objective:**|* Support of individual career plans| |**Target Group(s): **|Female Postdocs| |**Description: **|The Max Planck Society, in collaboration with EAF Berlin - a network which advises politics and industry on promoting equal opportunities, diversity and work-life balance - has developed the programme "Sign Up! Careerbuilding" for female postdocs. In this programme, the postdocs\\ * develop leadership skills, \\ * are prepared for leadership responsibilities in science, and \\ * are supported through a career-orientated network. \\ The aim is the support of female scientists in the phase of orientation during their scientific career and the support of their individual career plans. Candidates must be nominated by a director of the Max Planck Society. The program includes three seminar modules of 3 to 4 days that offer personal skill training and provide information on scientific career building.| |**More information:**|Max-Planck-Gesellschaft e.V. (Germany)\\ Contact: zgb@gv.mpg.de\\ Website: https://www.eaf-berlin.de/news/careerbuildung-programm-fuer-postdoktorantinnen-gestartet-leadership-diversity/ \\ https://brain.mpg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/images/Equal_Opportunities/Sign_Up.pdf|