|**Title: **|**School competition "Women in Physics, stereotypes and gender bias"**| |**Implementation**|{{wiki:1.png?nolink}}| |**Field(s) of Action:**|@#A9BCF5: * Presence and Visibility | |::: |@#D0A9F5: * Gender Dimension in Research and Education| |**Objectives:**|* To encourage young female students to choose a scientific path at University and to undertake a scientific career\\ * To highlight the importance of role models (to show the personality of women researchers and to examine in depth aspects of their personal and professional lives, highlighting the important contribution of women to scientific progress)\\ * To highlight stereotypes and prejudices that are related to the role of women in science and to counteract stereotypes linked to the "women and science" binomial, demonstrating that the binomial is possible\\ * To understand the perception of young people about women operating in research, in order to start undermining gender stereotypes since high school| |**Target Group(s): **|Students aged between 16 -19, singles or in groups of the same class, coordinated by a teacher.| |**Description: **|INFN and CNR organized the school competition "Women in Physics, stereotypes and gender bias" and presented the results during the Italian Gender in Physics Day held in Rome on May, 10th within the GENERA Project.\\ The Competition required the candidates to realize a project on the subject "Women in Physics, stereotypes and gender bias" in the form of a tale, reportage, a picture, a brochure, a poster or a video of 5 minutes' maximum duration.\\ The Contest was advertised through several channels associated to school teachers.\\ 120 high schools, more than 830 students, participated to the competition, producing tales, reportage, presentations and especially videos.\\ A questionnaire was submitted to all the students involved in the competition, in order to get their opinions about the issues related to "women in science" and to better understand the perception they have about gender bias. \\ An evaluation board, consisting of eight components from CNR and INFN was formed in order to rank the products of the students. The evaluation was conducted according to the criteria of communicative effectiveness, as well as of adherence to the issue of "women in science" in order to select the winners. \\ Given the very large number of submitted projects and their high quality level, at the end the evaluation board decided to award ten schools.| |**More information:**|National Institute for Nuclear Physics - INFN (Italy)\\ Contact: Roberta Antolini \\ roberta.antolini@lngs.infn.it \\ Website: https://www.lngs.infn.it/it/news/genera \\ \\ National Research Council - CNR (Italy) \\ Contact: Sveva Avveduto \\ s.avveduto@irpps.cnr.it\\ Website: https://www.irpps.cnr.it/it/GENERA|