|**Title: **|**Leadership Accountability**| |**Implementation**|{{wiki:2.png?nolink}}| |**Field(s) of Action:**|@#F5A9A9: * Structural Integration of Gender Equality| |::: |@#F5DA81: * Engaging Leadership| |**Objective:**|Embed senior leadership team (SLT) accountability for gender equality into existing regular business meeting practices| |**Target Group(s): **|Management and leadership\\ Leadership, all employees| |**Description: **|This measure mandates that gender equality progress a regular topic within leadership meetings.\\ For a successful measure the management has to support and has to have the ability to influence/challenge the SLT. Also they have to be robust reporting mechanisms to drive quarterly reviews. The transparency of business unit gender data within the SLT is necessary too. \\ Benefits are:\\ * The focus on gender equality becomes normalized as a business imperative.\\ * An ongoing focus on gender equality and transparency drives action and accelerates progress.\\ * SLT members transport accountability down through their own structures.| |**More information:**|Australian Government: Workplace Gender Equality Strategy Agency\\ Website: https://www.wgea.gov.au|