|**Title: **|**Gender-disaggregated data collection**(( Science Europe (2017): Practical Guide to Improving Gender Equality in Research Organizations; online available at: https://eige.europa.eu/sites/default/files/se_gender_practical-guide.pdf))| |**Implementation**|{{wiki:2.png?nolink}}| |**Field(s) of Action:**|@#F5A9A9: * Structural Integration of Gender Equality| |**Objectives:**|* To assess the status quo of an organization\\ * To get a starting point on (structural) changes| |**Target Group(s): **|Management and Leadership| |**Description: **|For the implementation of a Gender Equality Plan or a long term monitoring it is important to assess the status quo within each organization. This includes HR statistics, assessing basic demographic data, as well as policies and documents in place.\\ Various approaches of data collection are provided by different research organizations. Following some good practice examples are briefly described:\\ **Austrian Science Fund (FWF)**\\ The breakdown of FWF-funded projects and programs by gender is monitored through annual reports.\\ **Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)**\\ FWO keeps track of applications and success rates of men and women applicants throughout all calls for funding. Similarly, FWO monitors grant management as well as the research outcome for gender by collecting gender-disaggregated data, though mostly on principal investigator-level only. \\ The analysis of this monitoring is used internally for policy updates, and results are also published in the annual reports and policy reports, which may be downloaded freely at http://www.fwo.be/en/publications/. The annual report for 2012 was devoted entirely to the topic of gender and diversity(( http://www.fwo.be/media/184812/FWO-annual-2012.pdf)). Program regulations and specificities are updated on a regular basis depending on specific needs or policy choices by FWO governance or in compliance with national and regional laws or stakeholder requirements.\\ **Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF)**\\ DFF does collect and analyse gender-disaggregated data at the reporting stage.\\ **Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)**\\ The gender breakdown of SFI funded researchers (including grant holders, postdoctoral and pre-doctoral researchers, technical and administrative/management staff) in all programs is monitored through annual reports and progress reviews, and published annually in the SFI Annual Report.\\ **Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)**\\ Since 2002, the CSIC Committee for Women and Science advises the Presidency of CSIC to improve the status of women researchers. The Committee publishes annually disaggregated statistics of the status of scientific staff, including pre- and postdoctoral contracts.\\ **Swedish Research Council (VR)**\\ VR has been collecting and analysing gender-disaggregated data regarding applicants since 2003. The gender equality analyses are published regularly. Moreover, gender-disaggregated data is published yearly in the Council's annual report. If the success rates are different for women and men, the respective scientific sub-council must explain the difference and present a plan to rectify the situation.\\ Also, every other year, the Council conducts gender equality observations of a selection of peer review groups and the results of the observations are published. The analyses and the observations are used in gender equality education of decision-making bodies, of peer-review groups and of Council staff.| |**More information:**|Further information can be found at the homepages from the individual organizations. |