|**Title: **|**Family portal**| |**Implementation**|{{wiki:1.png?nolink}}| |**Field(s) of Action:**|@#F5A9A9: * Structural Integration of Gender Equality| |::: |@#A9F5D0: * Flexibility, Time and Work Life| |**Objectives:**|* Work and life balance\\ * Easy accessible information on family related work issues| |**Target Group(s): **|All target groups (except Pupils)\\ KIT employees and students with Children| |**Description: **|The homepage "Family portal" was created to bundle and disseminate all relevant information on family-related work issues. The homepage includes links to childcare projects at the KIT as well as information on student-loans especially for young students with children. The portal also gives information of contact people to issues that may occur. KIT leadership supports the reconciliation of work and family, the website is designed to ensure that employees and students can easily find various offers and benefit from them. The portal gives easy access to information and measures.| |**More information:**|Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)\\ Website: http://www.familienportal.kit.edu/|