|**Title: **|**Awareness-raising activities**(( Science Europe (2017): Practical Guide to Improving Gender Equality in Research Organizations; online available at: https://eige.europa.eu/sites/default/files/se_gender_practical-guide.pdf))| |**Implementation:**|{{wiki:2.png?nolink}}| |**Field(s) of Action:**|@#F5A9A9:* Structural Integration of Gender Equality| |::: |@#A9E2F3: * Gender-inclusive/Gender-sensitive Organisational Culture| |**Objectives:**|* Awareness raising\\ * Selection of various activities for structural change\\ * Gender-sensitive organisational culture| |**Target group(s): **|Management and Leadership \\ Employees at the organisation| |**Description: **|Since 2012, the French National Research Centre (CNRS) has developed various forms of awareness-raising activities, including training sessions, reviews of the related scientific literature, committees, and changes of procedures, led by the Mission pour la Place des Femmes au CNRS (Mission for the Place of Women at CNRS) and in collaboration with CNRS' National Committee, Institutes, HR department, and governance.\\ A specific committee was put into place in 2013, inspired by the 'Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Improve Diversity and Excellence Committee' (STRIDE),(( https://advance.umich.edu/stride/)) initially created at the University of Michigan (US) through the NSF-ADVANCE Programme(( https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5383)). Its objectives are to review procedures and practices for the evaluation, recruitment and promotion of researchers at CNRS, with respect to gender equality, and to make concrete proposals to improve these when relevant. Its membership comprises the Chief CNRS Research Officer, all Chairs of the 46 CNRS standing peer-review evaluation panels, deputy scientific directors of CNRS Institutes, senior HR officers, senior women researchers and gender experts, and representatives from the Mission pour la Place des Femmes au CNRS. The committee meets one to three times a year and among its actions so far are: training on gender equality issues and unconscious bias (based on the latest social science expert researchers literature); production of multi-annual, sex-disaggregated statistical factsheets used by panels; introduction of family-related career breaks in evaluation consideration; changes in the procedures for awarding CNRS medals(( http://www.cnrs.fr/en/research/awards.htm)); and involvement of external observers during the 2015 interviews for the CNRS entry and promotion panels. The production of recommendations for panel members is also foreseen.| |**More information:**|French National Research Centre (France)\\ CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique http://www.cnrs.fr/mpdf/|