{{ genera:genera_data_collection.docx|Download description}} {{ genera:genera_data_set_2018.xlsx|Download data table}} [[gndata:start|{{:wiki:upload.png?70|Data Upload (login required)}}]] - [[gndata:start|Data Upload (login required)]] **The Data Collection in the framework of the GENERA Network ** //Background // The GENERA Network is committed to provide evidence-based actions towards gender equality. Organizations within the Network agreed, under article 4 of MoU, to annually provide, update and share the measurement of the "GENERA DATA SET - GDS" for each of their physics research institutes and/or schools and/or physics department, whatever applicable. The GDS provides institutions with a way of gauging how women and men progress through the career stages at a level of detail that is not available through the more broadly based statistical instruments such as She Figures or MORE Surveys, which use broad scientific categories presented at national and cross-European perspectives. The GDS fill-in a gap in the evidence needed to successfully orient policy for gender equality in the Physics disciplines. Differently from others statistical databases on gender equality in scientific organizations, GDS will give a picture of the physics world only. In this sense GDS provide the physics community with an opportunity to establish more locally and more discipline-relevant evidence on how women and men participate and succeed in different physics sub-disciplines across Europe. Having this evidence will provide a stronger base for advocacy to attract, retain and progress more women in physics. //Data to be collected and timeline// The current GENERA DATA SET has been described within an annex of the Memorandum of Understanding. The variables are the following: *Research personnel for gender and age, *Research personnel for gender and career level, *Research personnel for work status: full time, part time, fixed/time contract. *A description of the relevant function/units for gender equality, if applicable, is required along with an organizational chart of the organization. //Table 1 - GENERA Data Set// || **GENERA Data Set ** | |**Demographics Data**|**Sex** (male, female)\\ **Age** (in 5-year steps)| |**Career Path**|**Staff for gender and current level **\\ (1 to 4 levels including early stage career, see definitions)| |**Work organization**|**Part time and full-time and fixed/time contract staff for gender **\\ \\ **Governing Boards **(with organizational charts placing GE unit)| The GDS include four Career Level that have been developed by the GENERA project to include the large variability in terms of positions, career advancements in the research organizations. The table below shows the four career levels and the relative definitions. //Table 2 Definition of career level 1-4// |**Level**| **Short label** | **Definition** | |Level 1|Leading researcher/Research Director/Professor|Top researchers, full professors, research directors. This level includes the top management and organizations directors. Activities primary focused on high level research and specialist teaching, including research project leading/ research and institutional policy orientation| |Level 2|Established researcher/Senior scientist/Assistant professor|Senior researchers/scientists/lecturers including research managers and research group leaders. Activities could include research management, research group coordination and teaching.| |Level 3|Recognised Researcher/Post doc/Junior Academic|Researchers/scientists/lecturers and post doctoral scientists. Activities primary focused on research and on teaching and programme management. This is considered the basic level of the career development in the organizations| |Level 4|First stage researcher/Research assistant/Doctoral candidates|Research and project assistants/doctoral students/ research grant winners pre-doc, including any researcher without doctoral degree. Activities focused on supervised research and training. Frequently participating in a structured programme or working collaboratively in a larger team. They may have student status and/or be employed by the organizations. This is considered the entry level in the organization| The {{genera:genera_data_set_2018.xlsx|data table}} attached provides the GDS schema to be filled in with **data pertaining 2018**. GENERA Network partners are requested to send in addition to the excel file a word file with the description of the relevant function/units dealing with gender equality issues along with an organizational chart of the entire research structure. Please send Excel and word files until **June the 30th 2019 to **[[mailto:genera@desy.de|genera@desy.de]]** **. This will allow the coordination team with the support from the Italian National Research Council to collect, check and analyse the GDS before the first GENERA Network Assembly to be held in Fall 2019.